The visual narrative of the dilemma of being in the natural and the industrial scenes in the most fashionable way possible.
At the first glance the photo series look like just a fashion photoshoot, however, the narrative under tells more.
Some garments used in the photoshoot belongs to the old soviet workers', yet, we see these uniforms in the nature creating a contemporary fashion scene. The dilemma of belonging to the nature and being stuck in the industrialisation of today.
Nature, culture and the industrial world are perceived to exist in the same sphere, nevertheless, above all, they give birth to a new inextricable conflict. Where all the chaos get bigger by force, fashion may seem like a getaway from this new sphere.
Can we talk about belonging to the nature in a uniform stuck in this contradictory sphere? Or embrace this conflicting juxtaposition as the neo-nature?

Model: Recep Özdaş